Bolu’da bir enerji pres tesisinde i?yar ?ef ve yard?mc?s?n?n gümrüksüz avc?l?k yapm?? olduklar? tespit edildi. Tesise ba?at yarat?c? ekipler koyu dondurucuda k?z?l geyik etleri buldu.Beyda?lar?yla olu?turdu?u harika durum sayesinde mutlaka ziyaret edilmesi gereken plajlar?n aras?nda bulunur.S?cac?k iklimi ile senenin hemen çabucak her devri t
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Atakule Shopping Mall ça?da? shopping areas are mostly found in K?z?lay, or on Tunal? Hilmi Avenue, including the modern mall of Karum (named after the ancient Assyrian merchant colonies called Kârum that were established in central Anatolia at the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC) which is located towards the end of the Avenue; and in Çankaya